Rates of pay for public service employees
The Government of Canada negotiates rates of pay for employees in the core public administration as part of the terms and conditions of employment. The Treasury Board, as the employer, negotiates 28 collective agreements with 17 different bargaining agents.
AV Audit, Commerce and Purchasing
CT Comptrollership
- EAV External Audit
- IAU Internal Audit
- FIN Financial Management
EB Education and Library Services
ED Education
- EST Elementary and Secondary Teaching
- LAT Language Teaching
- EDS Education Services
- LS Library Science
- EU Educational Support
NR Architecture, Engineering and Land Survey
PA Program and Administrative Services
- AS Administrative Services
- CM Communications
- CR Clerical and Regulatory
- DA Data Processing
- IS Information Services
- OE Office Equipment
- PM Programme Administration
- ST Secretarial, Stenographic and Typing
- WP Welfare Programmes
RE Research
- HR Historical Research
- MA Mathematics
- SE Scientific Research
- DS Defence Scientific Service
SH Health Services
- DE Dentistry
- MD Medicine
- ND Nutrition and Dietetics
- NU Nursing
- Addendum - Appendix "A-3"
SO Ships’ Officers
- FLP Floating Plant
- INS Instructor
- MAO Marine Operations
- RAD Radio
SP Applied Science and Patent Examination
- AC Actuarial Science
- AG Agriculture
- BI Biological Sciences
- CH Chemistry
- FO Forestry
- MT Meteorology
- PC Physical Sciences
- SG SRE Scientific Regulation
- SG PAT Patent
SV Operational Services
- FR Firefighters
- GL General Labour and Trades
- GS General Services
- HP Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operations
- HS Hospital Services
- LI Lightkeepers
- PR(S) Printing Operations (Supervisory) Group
- SC Ships’ Crews
TC Technical Services
- DD Drafting and Illustration
- EG Engineering and Scientific Support
- GT General Technical
- PI Primary Products Inspection
- PY Photography
- TI Technical Inspection