Likert Scales: How to Use it to Measure Perceptions and Behaviors

How satisfied are you with the latest album of your favorite band? What is your general attitude toward your current government? How frequently do you have negative thoughts?

Regardless if in psychology, marketing or simply life in general, it is difficult for us to express with precision how we think about abstract concepts, ideas, feelings, emotions, intentions and so much more.

Rensis Likert was an American social psychologist (PhD in Psychology from Columbia Univeristy). During his lifetime, Rensis Likert had some pretty interesting accomplishments. He worked at the Department of of Agriculture, Office of War Information and event at the United States Strategic Bombing Survey Morale Division.

However, Rensis is most renowned for creating psychometric (the study of psychological measurements) scale, useful for allowing us to express ourselves in an objective manner.

They have been named after it creator, being coined as: Likert Scales.

In order to understand Likert scales, it is important to differentiate two types of scales:

1. Scales to Measure Theoretical Constructs

As described before here on the site, the Marketing Scales Handbook for example, contains a compilation of scales that measure theoretical constructs (or concepts). These include concepts such as: satisfaction, attitude, purchase intention, risk, quality and many more.

The measurement of each concept is made by the evaluation of multiple “items” (normally at least 3 items). Each “item” is normally framed as a statement or a question.

For example, Lovibond and Lovibond (1995) developed a scale with 7items“, to measure “anxiety“. The items are:

1. I am often aware of the action of my heart in the absence of physical exertion (e.g,
heart racing, skipping a beat).
2. I often experience dryness in my mouth.
3. I often experience difficulty breathing (e.g. excessively rapid breathing,
breathlessness in the absence of physical exertion).
4. I often experience trembling (e.g. in the hands).
5. I worry about situations in which I might panic and make a fool of myself.
6. I often feel close to panic.
7. I feel scared without any good reason.

And each of these 7 “items” of the scale is measured through a ranking.

2. Liker Scales: The Ranking Through Which Responses are Scored

The rankings through which the items of construct scales are measured is what we refer to as: Likert scales.

Essentially, Likert scales are rating scales which contain a series of “anchors” (displayed numerically or in words) that allows numerical measurements of an item or question.

Here are a few common Likert scales examples of: