The writings of the New Testament : an interpretation

Part One: The symbolic world of the New Testament -- Roman rule and Hellenistic culture -- Judaism in Palestine -- Diaspora Judaism -- Part Two: The Christian experience -- The claims of the first Christians -- The resurrection faith -- Jesus in the memory of the church -- Part Three: The synoptic tradition -- The Gospel of Mark -- The Gospel of Matthew -- Luke-Acts -- Part Four: Pauline traditions -- Paul's ministry and letters -- 1 and 2 Thessalonians -- The Corinthian correspondence -- The Letter to the Galatians -- The Letter to the Romans -- The Letter to the Philippians -- The Letter to Philemon -- The Letter to the Colossians -- The Letter to the Ephesians -- 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus -- Part Five: The General Epistles -- The Letter to the Hebrews -- 1 Peter -- 2 Peter and Jude -- The Letter of James -- Part Six: The Johannine traditions -- The Gospel of John -- 1, 2, and 3 John -- The Book of Revelation -- Epilogue: The New Testament as the church's book

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