Hospital bag checklist: What to pack for labor and postpartum

Here's what to pack in your hospital bag for a more comfortable labor, delivery, and recovery. We've included hospital bag packing tips from moms – and advice on what you shouldn't bring.

Layan Alrahmani, M.D.

Medically reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM

Colleen de Bellefonds

Written by Colleen de Bellefonds | Jun 7, 2023

several pieces of clothes, accessories and other necessities woman needs to bring to a hospital

Photo credit: BabyCenter

In this article

Having everything you'll need for your hospital stay organized well in advance of your due date can help you feel more secure and prepared. Here's what you need to know about packing your hospital bag.

When to pack your hospital bag

Have your hospital bag ready by the time you're about 36 weeks pregnant, recommends Layan Alrahmani, M.D., a board-certified ob-gyn and maternal-fetal medicine specialist and member of the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board.

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Dr. Alrahmani, who is an associate professor at Loyola University in Chicago Opens a new window , adds that you may want to be packed even earlier if there's a chance you could have preterm labor.

Once you're 37 weeks pregnant, you could go into labor at any time. "Only 5 percent of babies are actually delivered on their due date," says Dr. Alrahmani.

Jennifer Shu, M.D. Opens a new window , FAAP, a pediatrician and member of the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board, says you may want to start the packing process even sooner. "Early in the third trimester it can be helpful to start setting aside some items, so you're not rushed at the last minute in the case of unexpected labor," Dr. Shu says.

Keep your "go-bag" in a handy place such as the trunk of your car or the hall closet, suggests the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Opens a new window . Of course, you'll have to add some items at the last minute (like your brush, phone, and insurance card), but you can pack most of the essentials in advance.

Hospital bag checklist for moms

Essential items and documents:

Personal items:


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Essentials for labor:

Supplies for after labor:

Hospital bag checklist for partners

Hospital bag checklist for your baby

What not to pack in your hospital bag

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Moms' tips for what to pack in a hospital bag

What to pack

"Bring both your glasses and your contacts. You may want to switch back and forth for comfort or convenience. I wore my glasses during labor with my first baby, but it got so hot that the glasses fogged up and I couldn't see what was going on – very frustrating."

"I brought a few changes of clothes. I was sweating like crazy after I gave birth, so it was nice to change into some fresh PJs or sweats during the day, especially with people coming to visit. Just something that made me feel better."

"Bring the baby book. They'll need to get footprints, and while they're doing it for the birth certificate they can use the rest of the ink and make prints for your book!"

"Bring baby nail clippers or an emery board. The hospital didn't supply clippers for fear of liability, and as a result my son gouged his face before he was 12 hours old."

"One thing I didn't realize I would need was nipple cream. I found breastfeeding hard to get used to and had to get someone to buy this stuff for me because my nipples got chapped."

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"Bring flip-flops to wear in the bathroom and shower."

"A box of chocolates or yummy treats for the nurses, left at the nurse's station as you check in, is a nice gesture."

"Bring a big insulated cup with a straw. With my first, all they gave me was tiny plastic cups and a small pitcher with room-temp water. I was so thirsty from nursing!"

"Take a nursing pillow to support your baby during breastfeeding, because it does hurt having a baby on top of your incision if you have a C-section."

"Bring snacks like granola bars, prunes, or anything with fiber, because you'll be hungry afterward."

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"No one ever wants to tell you this, but the hospital gives you giant 1950s pads for the bleeding. I preferred to have my own. Just take one pack of thick, long pads."

What not to pack

"I brought everything on our list with our first child, and my husband had to haul it around. I didn't use half of it. A change of comfy clothes for me, my hubby, and the baby was all we needed. Toiletries were good to have, like my toothbrush of course. But everything else seemed to just clutter up our small room. Even the diaper bag I packed never got opened! If you feel like you need all the extras, I would leave it in the car, just in case."

"I just wore the hospital clothes – less laundry to do once I got home! You never want to make more work for yourself."

"I used the hospital's undies, sanitary pads, and socks. I also didn't bother with my own nightgown or robe – I just put a second hospital gown on backward. Like most women, I bled a lot and I didn't want to mess up my own undies and nightgown. I saved those for when I went home."

"I bought a pair of nursing pajamas to wear in the hospital but never put them on. The [hospital] gown was a lot more comfortable. And after a C-section I didn't want to move around too much."

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