How to File a DBA in Arizona

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All businesses have a ‘legal’ name. The legal name of a company depends on its business structure. For sole proprietorships or a partnership, the legal name defaults to the business owner’s name or the owners. For incorporations, limited liability companies (LLCs), the legal name is the one that is listed on formation documents.

When a business wants to operate under a different name, it must file a DBA. DBA stands for ‘doing business as’ and is commonly referred to as an assumed name, trade name, or fictitious name. Filing a DBA only changes the legal name of your business.

An example is if you open a business, its legal name will default to your name (e.g., Meg Smith). June Smith is opening a computer repair shop and doesn’t want the name of her business to be June Smith. She files a DBA to change the name to Meg’s Tech. Meg’s Tech then becomes the business name and nothing else about the business changes. The DBA gives June permission to operate its fictitious business name. Without the DBA, the business’s name would be her own name, June Smith.

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How to set up a DBA in Arizona

Step 1 – Arizona trade name search

The first step in filing a DBA in Arizona is checking the Arizona Secretary of State Business Entity database for the availability of the fictitious name you want to use for your business. Once you’ve cleared the name, you can then go on to register the DBA.

An important thing to note is that in Arizona, DBAs can’t contain entity designations like LLC, or corp.

Also, it is an acceptable business practice to check the availability of the web domain (URL) you want to use for your business before filing a DBA. It helps to give you exclusive rights to the DBA you want.

Step 2 – Registering your Arizona DBA

In Arizona, you then file the DBA online with the Arizona Secretary of State’s office. You will need to provide specific information, including,

Double-check all of the information when dealing with Arizona trade name registration. The Secretary of State will reject the application if anything is incorrect.

Step 3 – Finish Arizona DBA application

You will finish your application. You must wait for approval before using it for business cards or signage. It takes 2-3 weeks to process a DBA filing. If Arizona rejects the filing, you will get a detailed explanation as to why it was rejected.

Step 4 – Pay Arizona filing fees

You must include the DBA cost of $10 for your application. Arizona does offer to expedite a request for an additional $35. You can pay your filing fees by check or money order to the Arizona Secretary of State. You can also pay using your credit card.

Arizona DBA name restrictions

Arizona does have naming restrictions. A fictitious business name should not include the following unless approved by the Arizona Department of Finacial Institutions.

Forms needed to file a DBA in Arizona

Arizona DBA tax considerations

When you file a fictitious business name or DBA in Arizona, it has no tax implications.

How much does a DBA filing cost in Arizona?

Professional DBA filing services


DBA vs business name

Who needs a DBA?

A business’s legal entity, state and local requirements, and a business owner’s preference are factors when considering if you need to file a DBA.

DBAs give small businesses and startups the creative freedom to name their businesses. Also, it helps them avoid the expensive and legally complex process of forming and registering an LLC or corporation to change its name simply.

Why do you need a DBA?


In Arizona, you do not have to file a DBA. However, it is still a good idea for banking, branding, and legal separation of you and your company.

You can get a DBA in Arizona by mail. You submit your application and filing fee to the Arizona Secretary of State office. 1700 W. Washington Street, 7th Floor, Phoenix, Arizona 85007

There are two locations in Arizona where you can file a DBA in person at.

Phoenix customer service center: State Capitol Executive Tower, 1st Floor, Room 103, Phoenix, Arizona

Tucson satellite office: Arizona State Complex Building, 400 West Congress, 2nd Floor, Room 252, Tucson, Arizona 85701

Arizona makes it easy to cancel or withdraw a DBA. You file the form online and there is no fee to stop a DBA. A DBA in Arizona has a five-year expiration date.

The fictitious business name you choose to operate under is the most important branding tool available, and it isn’t expensive. Pick a distinctive name that represents you, your business, and lets customers know who you are in a glance. Your DBA name is required by Arizona to be distinct from any other business entity on record.

The Arizona Corporation Commission is based in Phoenix, Arizona. You also can visit them online. The Arizona Corporation Commission is responsible for ensuring corporations’ compliance with Arizona Law by doing the following:

An EIN is just for tax purposes. And, a DBA is your business’ nickname. You don’t need a separate employer identification number for a DBA. The IRS does not require that you have a separate tax ID.

Arizona has no limits on how many DBAs you can have. Every state has different guidelines when it comes to DBAs.