In order to provide customers with clear steps, expectations and a thorough explanation of their requirements for operating within the city, the current Business Tax Receipt (BTR)and Certificate of Use (CU) point of application has been bifurcated.
By separating the CU review from the BTR, which will be reviewed by the Finance staff in the Customer Service Center, and the CU which will be reviewed by Regulatory Departments; businesses can navigate the process with greater ease.
This bifurcated system will closely mirror what other municipalities and counties do with their Local Business Tax and Certificate of Use processes.
All businesses wishing to operate in the City of Miami Beach must first obtain a CU.
To apply for a CU please follow these instructions:
To apply for your BTR please follow these instructions:
*DERM is required for all businesses with the exception of professionals, home based businesses, short term rentals, and mobile car washes.
For more information on how to apply to get a DERM inspection for your Certificate of Use, click here
If the above requirements are met, upon verification, your BTR will be issued on-the-spot.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 305.673.7420.
To apply online for a Business Tax Receipt please visit our Citizen’s Self Service.
For an on-line directory of current Business Tax Receipts please click here.
If you would like to apply in person, but need an application click here.